Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Entry 2 : Reactions to my 5 Strengths~!

I was very surprised to learn that my five greatest strengths are the following in order: "bravery and valor", "forgiveness and mercy", "honesty, authenticity, and genuineness", "judgement, critical thinking, and open-mindedness", and "leadership".

Your Top Strength
Bravery and valor

You are a courageous person who does not shrink from threat, challenge, difficulty, or pain. You speak up for what is right even if there is opposition. You act on your convictions.

Your Second Strength
Forgiveness and mercy

You forgive those who have done you wrong. You always give people a second chance. Your guiding principle is mercy and not revenge.

Your Third Strength
Honesty, authenticity, and genuineness

You are an honest person, not only by speaking the truth but by living your life in a genuine and authentic way. You are down to earth and without pretense; you are a "real" person.

Your Fourth Strength
Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness

Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind.

Your Fifth Strength

You excel at the tasks of leadership: encouraging a group to get things done and preserving harmony within the group by making everyone feel included. You do a good job organizing activities and seeing that they happen.

The one that shocked me the most is bravery. I did not expect myself to be a brave person, even though I know that I cope well in stressful situations. However, I was really pleased to learn that I am brave ^0^. I was also happy to have forgiveness and mercy as my second strength since forgiveness is a very difficult trait for a person to achieve, and it shows that I have the capability to forget and forgive (which is the highest possible way of "giving" according to Buddhist teachings). The third strength also surprised me, since I do not think of myself as a very honest person. I sometimes do "white lies" once in a while, however, I still feel that I take responsibility for what I do (if I do something wrong, I say I made a mistake). I am not so surprised at the 4th strength since I know that I like to analyze the behavior and feelings of others and I like to draw conclusions only when I looked at the situation from all the possible perspectives (like Sherlock Holmes). I was glad to have 'leadership' as my 5th strength, since I think it is a good quality for a person to have. It will help me cope with other people and will also make me a person who people like to deal with.

Overall, am really pleased with my five strengths (especially bravery ^^...it sounds really Walt Disney-ish)


Blogger DanielR said...

Apparently you are one of the bravest person in the class. you never stop talking (as in sharing ideas..that's a comliment), while others are still half asleep. Be happy with that feedback and keep it up!

6:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nice job!!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nice job!!

7:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

very funny entry

7:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

= = "

7:25 PM  

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